Thick Paint art by Melisa e Phillips

Past Work

Click on the image of the painting to go to a page featuring a larger version of that painting and the painting's description.

Stencil Layers & Blinds
Experiments in Sight
Back to New Work page

spacer Stencil Layers & Blinds spacer
Click on the image of the painting to go to a page featuring a larger version of that painting and the painting's description.
Summer Chair Love by melisa phillips Boxed In by melisa phillips Give Me A Sign painting by melisa phillips
Letters to You Letters to You 2
Water to Wine A Pass Through art by melisa phillips
His Heart Condition
Small Signs Life Signs
Crowd Scene art by melisa phillips Recline Blind 2
Forbidden Red OK Electric Charge
Her Guardian Blind Radio Hiding Shy
Alone Together Left Alone
Her Guard Coffee House Group Hong Kong
Hold Tight Drip Trees, Arizona
Waiting for Light Blind Date Memory in Blue
His Lucky Six
Blue Hiding Skip Happy
Stencil Layers & Blinds
Experiments in Sight
Back to New Work Page

spacer experiments in sight
Click on the image of the painting to go to a page featuring a larger version of that painting and the painting's description.
Dude Her Language Him,Kezar
Refresh School Chair together
sunset sun set lawn lunch judah crossing
apartment seats
Brad  Dad
Red Chair
City Bardot
 Work Shoes
Yoga Home
 Judah Houses
Sunday Optimism
Kelly Green Hat
Diner Ted
Bathroom Sink
Mr Camero
sf concentration
on her way

This page features the art work of painter Melisa e. Phillips

Melisa's paintings have been shown in cities throughout
California including: Sacramento, and San Francisco.


Some of Melisa's paintings are available for sale or display, please contact Melisa for details.



All site images ©Copyright, Melisa e. Phillips - All rights reserved
Please do not use any images on this site without permission from Melisa, thank-you.